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Positive Philter Podcast

Feb 25, 2019

In this episode, I am joined by my friend LaMarcus Davis. We discuss alternative careers in medicine. 

Social Media/Resources: 

 Shaw University
M.A.P.S. (Minority Association of Pre-Health Students)
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs...

Feb 23, 2019

This recording was from a podcast panel that was apart of my industry week at GMU. I was the moderator and I was joined by podcast hosts Jermaine Azu, Ronald Young Jr., Taylor Rockwell, and Colleen Shumaker. This podcast was recorded with the assistance of Roger Smith from WGMU and GMU Student Media. 

This audio is...

Feb 18, 2019

In this episode, I am joined by Brother Luke Kues. We discuss Luke's experience as a white member of Alpha Phi Alpha and how to be an ally to the minority population through social change and your voice. 

Social Media/Resources: 

Twitter/Instagram: @kues2city

Twitter/Instagram: @rhogammaAlphas

 If you have a question...

Feb 11, 2019

In this episode, I am joined by Lewis Forrest. We discuss how as black males we raise biracial children. We talk about embracing multiple cultures and help our children have a sense of pride in who they are. 

Social Media/Resources: 

Lewis Forrest: Twitter (@LewMr) and Instagram (@lumpforrest) 

The Biracial Bill of...

Feb 4, 2019

In this episode, I am joined by author, Okechuku Enyia. He wrote a wonderful book entitled Indisputable: The Story of a Favored Son 
This book can be found on Amazon. We met each other through the brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha and brother Enyia shares his story of overcoming challenges in his background to...